Our school year schedule is broken down into 4-week sessions. The sessions are as follows:

SESSION 1: August 26th - September 20th (Closed Sept. 2nd Labor Day)
SESSION 2: September 23rd - October 18th
SESSION 3: October 21st - November 15th (Closed Oct. 31st Halloween - Please schedule a make-up for this missed class)
SESSION 4: November 18th - December 13th (Closed November 27th-29th)

BONUS WEEK: December 16th - December 20th (this week will cover missed classes for Labor Day, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday Thanksgiving week closures)

WINTER BREAK: December 21st - January 5th

SESSION 5: January 6th - January 31st
SESSION 6: February 3rd - February 28th
SESSION 7: March 3rd - March 28th
SESSION 8: March 31st - May 2nd (SPRING BREAK is not included in this 4-week session)
SESSION 9: May 5th - June 6th (This will be a 5-week session and tuition will be a little higher than normal unless your child attends class on MONDAYS)

JUNE JUBILEE WEEK: June 2nd-June 5th

Early Bird Week;
We offer an “early bird” week where families can receive a $5 discount per child if tuition is paid during week four of the current session. An email is sent out to families on the Monday of week 4 to remind you of when “early bird” week is taking place. We also have an autopay option if parents automatically want the discount. This need to be set up through the office and can’t be done through the portal.

August 19th
September 16th
October 14th
November 11th
December 30th
January 27th
February 24th
March 24th
April 28th - 5 week session